Comparing Db2 free edition with its competitors

Db2 Community Edition is the free edition of the Db2 for Linux / Unix  / Windows database. Unlike Microsoft and Oracle express offerings, Db2 Community Edition does allow for a unlimited size database (was 100GB in the past)  and can use up to 16GB of memory and with...

Not logged initially must be forbidden!

You can temporarily turn off logging for a table with the statement “ALTER TABLE <tablename> ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY”. Do not do this if you are using archival logging; here is why: The ALTER statement will turn off logging for the table until...

FREE DB2 SQL Cookbook

Did you end up here because you found out that Graeme Birchall’s website is shutdown and you want the free SQL Cookbook? Keep reading, we still have it! Graeme Birchall is the author of the free DB2 SQL Cookbook which has been extremely popular, but now his...
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